The Annual General Meeting for the Portland Pigs Rugby Club will be virtual this year, and we hope you can tune in!
We are so close to being able to safely gather for indoor events, however we feel we are not quite there yet with an event this size.
The agenda will progress as usual with a review of the year, financials, voting for new officers, old business and new business. There will be less than usual to discuss since we did not play in the last year and we expect the meeting to progress quickly.
This year the Men's President and the Board Secretary are up for re-election. Both Tim Boyd and Natalie Simon are running for re-election to their respective positions, however additional candidates are welcome!
We will also have elections for the individual Team level officer positions. These nominees will have a chance to speak in break-out rooms towards the end of the meeting. If you are interested in running for or nominating someone else for any of these positions please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/Y3h7rpMhXsharBuHA
You can find descriptions of each position on the form. If you have more specific questions about Officer duties please email board@portlandrugby.org.
We will also be accepting nominations at the AGM. Voting will happen virtually following the meeting. We will do our best to record the event for those who cannot make it, however that may be in the form of notes rather than video.
We hope to see you all there so that you can stay up to date with what is happening in the club!
If you are not receiving rugby emails please reach out and let us know so that we can get you properly on the email list.