Team Leadership Positions, Roles & Responsibilities

Elected Positions

Elected positions are voted for by team members at the end of Spring season, and announced at the club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). These elected roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, make up a four-person officers Committee on each team.

This Committee is responsible for calling meetings, voting on team affairs with input from team chairs, teammates, and coaches.

The Committee is also responsible for hearing team complaints, mediating issues between teammates that occur at games, trainings, and team sponsored events.

The Committee is responsible to communicate appropriately with all teammates, members of the Committee/chair positions, coaches, and rugby affiliates.

When appropriate committee members will deal with disciplinary meetings, and/or forward disciplinary issues to the club board.


Also serves as the team’s representative on the Club Board

Term: 2 years (vote occurs on even years)

The President of each Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for two year terms. Beyond the duties described in Section 2B, the President shall hold Committee meetings as needed and be responsible for the leadership of the team.

Duties include:

  • Leadership of team
  • Supervising activities of team
  • Reserving match day and training fields
  • Working closely with coaches
  • Advancing recruiting, fundraising, and communication efforts of team

Vice President

Term: 1 year

Duties include:

  • Supporting team President in all responsibilities
  • Supporting team President and officers' duties as needed
  • Taking over duties of team president if team president is ever unable/unwilling to fulfill duties
  • Managing team affairs: historically oversees fixtures, recruiting, and social chairs


Term: 1 year

Duties include:

  • Recording minutes of all Committee meetings
  • Attending to all team correspondence in timely manner
  • Ensuring all information is dissipated through the appropriate channels from Board/Committee/Coaches to players via Email, messaging, etc.
    • Posting team info, ensures team lists are up to date
    • Adds all new/prospective players to communication
    • Answers recruiting inquiries when there is no recruiting chair
  • Attending to social media content in coordination with Media Outreach Chair


Term: 1 year

Duties include:

  • Reconciliation of incoming/outgoing monies
  • Managing team cashbox
  • Providing Square training for volunteers
  • Paying vendors and referees
  • Creating team budget and ensuring adherence
  • Collecting and tracking membership dues
  • Coordinating CIPP process for team members
  • Reimbursing members for team costs, collecting fundraising monies, and making team payments in cooperation with team President

Non-voting Committee Chair Positions

These are Volunteer/Appointed positions by nomination from committee. Positions we have had in the past are listed below. All come with corresponding emails. More than one chair position can be held by one player at the discretion of the Committee.

Chair positions are a good fit for teammates with less time available to devote to team affairs but with a desire to help. Duties tend to be localized to one aspect of team needs with more support provided by Committee members and teammates.

Fundraising Chair

Duties include:

  • Coordinating with teammates and officers to find and maximize fundraising opportunities for team
  • Planning a variety of fundraising events and activities:
    • 1 large fundraiser per season/year
    • 3-4 smaller fundraisers each month per season

Social Chair

Duties include:

  • Organizing theme, location, and food/drink for post-match socials
  • Coordinating with opposing team and share social information with team list
  • Coordinating with team Treasurer/President to ensure reconciliation of all social associated costs
  • Creating/acquiring "Player of the Match" prizes for home/away team

Recruiting & Development Chair

Duties include:

  • Responding to prospective player emails in a timely manner
  • Coordinating development/recruiting opportunities
  • Producing recruitment flyers and social media posts
  • Arranging "Meet and Greet" events once per season half (Fall and Spring)

Media Outreach Chair

Duties include:

  • Creating or working with committee to create content to post on social media
  • Posting appropriate media on all team accounts including facebook, instagram, etc. and responding to messages on those accounts, or forwarding to appropriate committee member
  • Tagging appropriate parties, i.e. sponsors, players of the match, teammates, etc. with appropriate consent

Equipment Chair

Duties include:

  • Tracking all team-related equipment: jerseys, balls, cones, flags, water bottles, rucking pads, medkit, etc.
  • Ensuring equipment gets to trainings and matches in good condition
  • Assigning responsibility of equipment so duties do not fall disproportionately on certain teammates

Fixtures Chair

Duties include:

  • Ensuring field availability for games
  • Updating/reporting roster to opposing team and ref for league matches